Sunday, November 14, 2010

Pet adoption event

One of St. Bernards that needs a permanent home.

Port of Long Beach Employees club hosted it's first pet adoption event and fund raiser. It took very dedicated people who love animals hours of their free time to coordinate and plan this event. Four rescue groups brought dogs who need homes and members of the Employees club contacted businesses to gather items for the silent auction. I placed some bids like a dinner for two at Parkers Lighthouse, and a one night accommodations at the Maya. All the proceeds go to the rescue group.
Pee Wee, a 3-legged Chihuahua from the For the Love of Animals Dog and Cat Rescue group

From big dogs to small, all the dogs here were so sweet despite the fact that they were neglected or abused before they were rescued.
This greyhound was rescued from the dog tracks two weeks ago. Greyhounds have a gentle demeanor, are easily trainable, and would make a great running partner. From Fast Friends Greyhound Adoption
This sweet beagle would be a great pet for a family with little kids.
There were kitty cats for adoption too.
At lastly, Wilson who will love you unconditionally. Please adopt- we rescued Mocha and she has been the most amazing addition to my family.

1 comment:

Christy Lee said...

That St. Bernard is so cute! Too bad he's too big for me to adopt. Plus, Sora might get jealous ;)