Monday, October 4, 2010

Canon photography class

As a designer, I am by nature, a person with a very sophisticated cinematic taste. I like my designs to be simple, but of high quality. Being the best means, you don't rely on gimmicks or a photoshop filter. I like to take the fundamental approach to the Arts and start at the basic level. Light, composition, and style. It sounds so easy but it's not. That's why so few of us really make it in the Arts community. You either have it...or you don't.
This weekend, after Green Port Fest, I took a photographic/cinematic course sponsored by Canon with Bruce Dorn, a creative genius I really look up to. He reads light like today's gossip column, and he operates the camera like a toothbrush. Everything he does has a reason. He said, "In order to call yourself a true expert, you made all the mistakes already."
Here are few snap shots of the class with a hired professional model/actress


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